Convert PDF to JPG in .NET

Do you need to convert PDF to JPG in C# or VB.NET? You can use Docotic.Pdf library to generate JPEG images from PDF documents in .NET projects. The library can also help you with converting PDF to PNG or TIFF.

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Docotic.Pdf comes with free and paid licenses. The library is available on NuGet and from our site. Get the library and a free time-limited license key on the Download C# .NET PDF library page.

PDF to JPEG in C# and VB.NET

Save PDF pages as JPG in C#

You need just a few lines of code to convert PDF to JPG in .NET. This C# code snippet saves PDF pages to JPG images with a white background and 72x72 dpi resolution:

using BitMiracle.Docotic.Pdf;

PdfDrawOptions options = PdfDrawOptions.Create();
options.Compression = ImageCompressionOptions.CreateJpeg();
options.BackgroundColor = new PdfRgbColor(255, 255, 255);

using var pdf = new PdfDocument("your-document.pdf");
for (int i = 0; i < pdf.PageCount; ++i)
    pdf.Pages[i].Save($"page_{i}.jpg", options);

Try the corresponding sample code for saving PDF page as PNG, JPG, or TIFF image from GitHub.

You can also work with System.IO.Stream instead of files:

PdfDrawOptions options = PdfDrawOptions.Create();
options.Compression = ImageCompressionOptions.CreateJpeg();
options.BackgroundColor = new PdfRgbColor(255, 255, 255);

using Stream input = ..;
using var pdf = new PdfDocument(input);

using Stream output = new MemoryStream();
pdf.Pages[0].Save(output, options);

Convert PDF to JPG with a custom resolution

PdfDrawOptions class allows you to customize PDF to JPG conversion process. For example, you can use HorizontalResolution and VerticalResolution properties to set resolution of resulting JPEG images:

PdfDrawOptions options = PdfDrawOptions.Create();
options.Compression = ImageCompressionOptions.CreateJpeg();
options.BackgroundColor = new PdfRgbColor(255, 255, 255);
options.HorizontalResolution = 600;
options.VerticalResolution = 600;

page.Save("page.jpg", options);

Generate JPEG thumbnails for PDF pages

PdfDrawOptions class also provides methods for limiting a resulting image size. For example, you can use it to generate JPEG thumbnails from PDF pages. This C# sample creates a 300x300 pixels JPEG thumbnail of the first page:

PdfDrawOptions options = PdfDrawOptions.CreateFitSize(new PdfSize(300, 300), false);
options.Compression = ImageCompressionOptions.CreateJpeg();
options.BackgroundColor = new PdfGrayColor(100);

pdf.Pages[0].Save("thumbnail.jpg", options);

Convert PDF to CMYK JPEG in .NET

The ImageCompressionOptions.CreateJpeg() method creates JpegImageCompressionOptions objects. You can use JpegImageCompressionOptions methods to set a desired JPEG image quality or color space. This C# code sample shows how to convert a PDF page to CMYK JPEG with 50 quality:

PdfDrawOptions options = PdfDrawOptions.Create();
options.BackgroundColor = new PdfGrayColor(100);
options.Compression = ImageCompressionOptions.CreateJpeg().SetCmyk().SetQuality(50);

page.Save("cmyk.jpg", options);

Is it possible to convert PDF to JPG with transparency?

JPEG images do not support transparency. That's why the code samples above explicitly use white background.

If you want to convert PDF to semi-transparent images, use PNG or TIFF as an output image compression.


Docotic.Pdf library allows you to convert PDF to JPG in .NET easily. You can customize size, resolution, color space for output JPEG images.

You can also use Docotic.Pdf for converting PDF to PNG or TIFF images. Download and try PDF to image code samples from GitHub.

Contact us if you have questions about PDF to JPG conversion.