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Improved extraction of text and images, PDF rasterizer and other improvements in Docotic.Pdf 3.4


We released new version of Docotic.Pdf library.

The version 3.4 adds new major feature: PDF rasterizer. Now the library can be used to draw and print PDF documents. And of course you can save images of document pages in PNG and JPEG format. Take a look at PdfPage.Save and PdfPage.Draw methods. You might find new group of samples interesting too.

This version also features improved support for extraction of text and images. You can now extract text as collection of words (with their bounding rectangles) and even individual characters. We added new Extract text by words sample that demonstrates how to do this.

From now on the library might be used to extract page objects. I.e. you can get collection of text and image objects to perform sophisticated analysis of what’s drawn on a page. Take a look at Extract text and images sample to get an idea of what information could be retrieved.

The new version adds support for extraction of previously unsupported image types. You might also be interested in new ability to scale and resize existing images in PDF documents. This ability is useful for optimization of existing documents.

As with any release of Docotic.Pdf, we also fixed some bugs. This version fixes bugs related to opening of existing PDF documents and processing of fonts and images. We also made library to use less time and memory for opening of existing PDFs.

Read about all new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 3.4 in Version History document.

As always, we encourage you to download and try the new version.

Please write us about your findings with Docotic.Pdf using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions or ask for help.

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Support for XMP Metadata, improved text extraction and other improvements in Docotic.Pdf 3.3


I am pleased to announce that we’ve released new version of Docotic.Pdf library.

The version 3.3 brings support for XMP Metadata, improved text extraction and other improvements and bug fixes.

Starting from this version Docotic.Pdf can be used to read and modify documents metadata. You can edit any XMP schema and add new schemas. The library provides convenient way to access properties of well-known XMP schemas like Dublin Core or XMP Basic. There is also support for setting custom metadata values. Please take a look at PdfDocument.Metadata property and XmpMetadata class. Set custom metadata and Set XMP metadata samples can also might be useful to get an idea how to use the new feature.

The new version of the library fixes some bugs related to text extraction and brings new properties and methods that should give you even more control over the text extraction process. Please have a look at PdfTextData.Size and PdfTextData.Bounds properties and PdfDocument.GetText and PdfPage.GetText methods.

With help of the latest version of Docotic.Pdf you can easily reorder pages in PDF documents. We added new PdfDocument.MovePage, PdfDocument.MovePages and PdfDocument.SwapPages methods that can be used to change order of pages within document. We think that you might find them useful.

We also fixed some bugs related to opening of existing PDF documents, linearization and processing of TIFF images.

Read about all new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 3.3 in Version History document.

As always, we encourage you to download and try the new version.

Please write us about your findings with Docotic.Pdf using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions or ask for help.

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Improved accuracy and new text extraction mode in Docotic.Pdf 3.1


We released new version of Docotic.Pdf library.

The version 3.1 brings improved accuracy of all calculations, new text extraction mode and support for shared scrips. And, as always, the new version contains fixes for some bugs in the library.

Read about other new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 3.1 in Version History document.

As always, we encourage you to download and try the new version.

Please write us about your findings with Docotic.Pdf using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions or ask for help.

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LibTiff.Net 2.3 with new samples


We released new version of LibTiff.Net library. This version features improved support for files produced by legacy TIFF writers. LibTiff.Net 2.3 also contains some bug fixes and 11 new samples.

As always, you can download binaries or source code package with tests here:

Please don’t hesitate to contact us using e-mail or via the support form. We’ll be happy to hear about your findings with this version. And we’ll be glad to receive any file that can not be processed by the library.

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Linearize PDF files, protect PDFs with AES encryption, optimize images in PDFs


I am pleased to announce that we’ve just released new major version of Docotic.Pdf library.

The Docotic.Pdf 3.0 adds support for advanced password protection. Now you can not only open but also create PDF files encrypted with AES 128 bit algorithm. And we’ve also added PdfDocument.IsPasswordProtected method that is useful if you need to know is a PDF requires a password in order to be opened.

Another major new feature is the ability to linearize PDF files and check if a file is linearized. As you know, linearization (also called Fast Web View optimization) helps to produce PDF files optimized for viewing in browser. We are sure you’ll find this new feature useful.

Starting with Docotic.Pdf 3.0 you can optimize images before adding them to PDFs and even change images in existing PDF files. Please take a look at RecompressWith* family of methods in PdfImage class and new Add single image frame to PDF document sample.

The new version of the library introduces support for Save Options. Using this feature you can fine-tune how PDF documents will be saved by the library. You can reduce size of PDF files or on the contrary save files in a human readable form (it may be useful for debugging purposes).

There are other improvements and bug fixes of course. As always, we encourage you to download and try the new version.

Please write us about your findings with Docotic.Pdf using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions or ask for help.

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Extract images from PDF with Docotic.Pdf 2.3


We’ve just released new version of Docotic.Pdf library.

The version 2.3 adds support for image extraction. Now the library can be used to extract embedded images from PDF documents. Images are extracted without any modifications or recompressions so you’ll get the same data as used in a document.

Another new feature is ability to extract or copy pages from existing documents. With this feature it’s possible to split a PDF in pages or make a copy of a PDF with only those pages that are needed.

Read about other new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 2.3 in Version History document.

As always, we encourage you to download and try the new version.

Please write us about your findings with Docotic.Pdf using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions or ask for help.

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Better PDF form handling with Docotic.Pdf 2.2


We are happy to announce the release of a new version of Docotic.Pdf Library.

The version 2.2 adds support for Forms Data Format files (FDF files). Now you can use Docotic.Pdf Library to import a form data from an FDF file or export data from your form into an FDF file for farther processing. Also, the PDF library now creates better looking PDF forms because we fixed some bugs in code related to form creation.

Another improvement we are proud of is speed. We made some optimizations and now the library performs up to 40 percent faster.

Read about other improvements in Docotic.Pdf 2.2 in Version History document.

As always, we encourage you to download and try the new version.

Please write us about your findings with Docotic.Pdf using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions or ask for help.

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LibTiff.Net 2.2 with OJPEG support is out


We’ve just released new version of LibTiff.Net library. This version contains some bug fixes, new sample and new OJPEG codec (only decompression).

Initially we were reluctant to add this codec to the library because Old-style JPEG encoding (as defined in the TIFF 6.0 specification) is considered obsolete but it turned out that our users need such codec. Some applications (scanners and faxes, mostly) still produce images encoded with OJPEG encoding. Hopefully, now LibTiff.Net will help more users get their job done.

As always, you can download binaries or source code package with tests here:

Please don’t hesitate to contact us using e-mail or via the support form. We’ll be happy to hear about your findings with this version. And we’ll be glad to receive any file that can not be processed by the library.

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Creating documentation for a .NET component

Hi everybody!

We in Bit Miracle believe in knowledge and expertise sharing. So, I am pleased to announce that we have published a new article on Codeproject site.

The “Creating documentation for a .NET component with Sandcastle Help File Builder” article is about creating documentation within your code. The article also shows how to write additional topics and compile the help file using Sandcastle Help File Builder.

Good documentation is an important part of a successful product. Creating full and comprehensive description of functions and capabilities of a software product or component takes time and patience. In the article mentioned above I described some practical aspects of creating documentation for .NET components.

Please read “Creating documentation for a .NET component with Sandcastle Help File Builder” on Codeproject site. I hope that you will find some useful tips in the article.

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Transforming C/C++ code to fully managed C# code


Last year we released free and open source LibTiff.Net library. The library is a port of original libtiff library and we thought that you may be interested to know how we have ported the code from C to C#.

So, we have published “Adapting old code to new realities” article on Codeproject site. The article describes a useful technics for transforming old-style C/C++ code to fully managed C# code. These methods were used for porting classic libjpeg and libtiff libraries to .NET Framework.

Please read “Adapting old code to new realities” on Codeproject site. We hope that you will find the article interesting.

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