Better PDF form handling with Docotic.Pdf 2.2

News post

Updated on February 1, 2011

We are happy to announce the release of a new version of Docotic.Pdf Library.

The version 2.2 adds support for Forms Data Format files (FDF files). Now you can use Docotic.Pdf Library to import a form data from an FDF file or export data from your form into an FDF file for farther processing. Also, the PDF library now creates better looking PDF forms because we fixed some bugs in code related to form creation.

Another improvement we are proud of is speed. We made some optimizations and now the library performs up to 40 percent faster.

Read about other improvements in Docotic.Pdf 2.2 in Version History document.

As always, we encourage you to download and try the new version.

Please write us about your findings with Docotic.Pdf using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions or ask for help.

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