Archive for the ‘PDF Library’ category

Improved memory management in Docotic.Pdf 4.6


The new version of the Docotic.Pdf library got published on our site and on NuGet.

Substantial amount of improvements in Docotic.Pdf 4.6 is related to memory management. Latest version uses much less memory to open or draw PDF documents. Extraction of JPEG 2000 and JBIG2 images also uses less memory in Docotic.Pdf 4.6.

The new version also contains improvements to text extraction, text rendering and font processing features. Version 4.6 handles Japanese text better than any previous version.

We also dedicated some time to rendering features of the library. The latest release draws text, patterns, XObjects, and forms better. Just better.

Read about all new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 4.6 in the Version History document.

We encourage you to download and try the new version. This version is also available on NuGet.

Please tell us your thoughts about the new version using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions, suggest features or ask for help.

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Docotic.Pdf 4.5 processes fonts and images better


The new version of the Docotic.Pdf library is available on our site and on NuGet.

Docotic.Pdf 4.5 extracts and draws images faster. Especially, images with masks. The new version also processes Type 0 fonts faster.

We added ability to create and use L*a*b* colors and color spaces in the newest version of the library. Take a look at PdfLabColorSpace and PdfLabColor classes.

As usual, there is a number of bug fixes in version 4.5. Most of the bugs affected quality of PDF rendering, so now library draws PDFs correct in more cases than before. Also as usual, the new version improves support for semi-broken PDFs created by some buggy and usually anonymous generators.

Read about all new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 4.5 in the Version History document.

We encourage you to download and try the new version. This version is also available on NuGet.

Please tell us your thoughts about the new version using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions, suggest features or ask for help.

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Improved PDF rasterizer and content extractor

We released Docotic.Pdf 4.4 on our site and on our NuGet channels.

The newest release of the library brings improvements to rasterizer, content extractor and parser parts.

The version 4.4 is more robust in parsing of semi-broken PDFs created by some buggy generators. At the same time, in this version we fixed some of our own bugs related to parsing of fonts, content streams, forms, and functions. As the result, Docotic.Pdf 4.4 draws and extracts text more precisely. It also processes colors of images, text and graphics better than before.

With the new version it’s possible to access log messages emitted by the library. The library now uses log4net for logging purposes. Place an XML configuration file next to the library if you want to access these messages.

There are other improvements and bug fixes. Read about all new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 4.4 in the Version History document.

We encourage you to download and try the new version. This version is also available on NuGet.

Please tell us your thoughts about the new version using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions, suggest features or ask for help.

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Docotic.Pdf for .NET 4, bug fixes and other improvements

We have released Docotic.Pdf 4.3.

Starting from this release the library ships in two versions. One version is for NET 4 and later frameworks and the other one for .NET 2 and later frameworks. So, now you can benefit from the version built for .NET 4 while you are still able to use the library in projects targeting older .NET frameworks.

Docotic.Pdf 4.3 brings support for Type 3 fonts. This version also contains number of other improvements related to fonts.

The library now can stroke and fill paths with patterns. This is a relatively rare feature of PDF format but it really shows when you try to draw document with patterns and there is no support for drawing them.

The new version adds support for PDF functions, separation color spaces and spot colors. We also fixed some issues in color processing.

We also improved extraction of text and images. These are some of the areas we improve in almost every version of the library. This is release is not an exception.

There are other improvements and bug fixes. Read about all new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 4.3 in the Version History document.

We encourage you to download and try the new version.

Please write us about your findings with Docotic.Pdf using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions, suggest features or ask for help.


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Print PDF in C# and VB.NET – Part 2

March 2024: We now have a dedicated article about how to Render and print PDF documents in C# and VB.NET. The article contains the most recent information about the topic. Please read the article instead of this blog post. We keep the blog post for historical reasons only.

In the first part, we have completed the basic PDF printing application. The “Hello World” sample is good as a proof of concept, but it is too simple. You will probably want to have following features in a real application:

  1. Print existing PDF documents.
  2. Print multiple pages.
  3. Setup paper size and orientation.
  4. Preview print output.
  5. Reuse the printing code.

I will incrementally modify the demo application in order to show how to support all of these features.

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Docotic.Pdf now available on NuGet

I am pleased to announce that Docotic.Pdf is now available on NuGet.

Some of our customers advised us to publish the library there and we followed the advice.

To install Docotic.Pdf library, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package BitMiracle.Docotic.Pdf

Please feel free to suggest features using e-mail or via the support form. And don’t hesitate to write us your questions or ask for help.

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Print PDF in C# and VB.NET – Part 1

March 2024: We now have a dedicated article about how to Render and print PDF documents in C# and VB.NET. The article contains the most recent information about the topic. Please read the article instead of this blog post. We keep the blog post for historical reasons only.

.NET Framework provides good support for printing in Windows Forms, WPF and Windows Store applications. You can easily show print preview dialog, customize print settings and, actually, print documents. You just need to prepare your document for printing – convert the document to a sequence of drawing commands or convert the document to the one of printer-friendly formats like XPS. It might be painful if format of your document is a complex one.

PDF is an example of such a complex document format. It is one of the most popular file formats for publishing documents, but .NET does not support printing of PDF documents out of the box.

Docotic.Pdf library adds support for printing PDF documents in .NET applications. I will show how to build a Windows Forms application that prints PDF documents. The application will display print preview dialog before printing, will have support for custom print settings and, of course, will print PDF documents to the selected printer.

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A whole lot of bug fixes in Docotic.Pdf 4.2

New version of Docotic.Pdf library is out.

Docotic.Pdf 4.2 is mostly a “bug fixes and improvements” release. Nevertheless, it brings some new features, too.

The new version adds ability to embed previously non-embedded fonts and vice versa. Have a look at PdfFont.Embed() and PdfFont.Unembed() methods.

For those who are willing to produce smallest PDFs possible there is new ability to remove structure information from documents. We added PdfDocument.RemoveStructureInformation() method and PdfSaveOptions.RemoveUnusedObjects property for you.

Form filling become more capable in this version. Library can rotate controls. You can specify font size equal to zero for text and combo boxes (to cause their font size to be auto adjusted). In addition, the new version can import appearance streams while importing FDF files.

The new version does better job in recompressing and scaling of images. Version 4.2 also draws documents better. Especially in high resolutions.

There are other improvements and a whole lot of bug fixes. Too much to talk about them here. Read about all new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 4.2 in the Version History document. There are information about one breaking change related to fonts.

We encourage you to download and try the new version.

Please write us about your findings with Docotic.Pdf using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions, suggest features or ask for help.

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Improvements and new features in Docotic.Pdf 4.1


We have released new version of Docotic.Pdf library.

Docotic.Pdf 4.1 fixes some bugs related to opening of existing documents (including encrypted ones). The new version also brings number of improvements in drawing of PDF documents as well as in extraction of images.

This version adds new PdfDrawOptions.TileWidth and PdfDrawOptions.TileHeight properties which can be used to control how much memory is used while drawing.

Drawing of PDF documents using tiles can be slower than regular drawing but it allows you to draw very big documents in high resolution without consuming obscene amounts of memory. Were are expecting some speed optimizations in tiled drawing in upcoming releases of the library.

Read about all new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 4.1 in the Version History document.

We encourage you to download and try the new version.

Please write us about your findings with Docotic.Pdf using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions, suggest features or ask for help.

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Docotic.Pdf 4. Much improved rendering engine and more.


I am very happy to announce that we’ve released Docotic.Pdf 4 on our site.

Seven months of active development were not in vain: the new major release brings some great improvements.

Docotic.Pdf 4 comes with new, much improved text rendering engine. With the new engine text gets drawn at the right positions with the right font. The new version of the library produces much more accurate outputs then the previous version did. Let me assure you: you will see the difference.

Text rendering and text extraction are often go hand in hand. With Docotic.Pdf that’s not different. New version of the library extracts text more precisely and can provide you more information about text in a PDF document. You can know the font, the pen and brush color and the rendering mode used to draw any chunk of text. There are new properties in the PdfTextData class for that.

The new version adds support for JPEG 2000 images. The library can add, extract and draw them. Other imaging related areas also received some of our attention. Some bugs related to processing of JPEGs were fixed. Extraction of images (including masked ones and those in the CMYK color space) was improved.

As with every release of the library, we also fixed processing of some PDFs which not quite meet the standard and documents with unusual internal structure.

Read about all new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 4 in the Version History document.

We encourage you to download and try the new version.

Please write us about your findings with Docotic.Pdf using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions, suggest features or ask for help.

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