Improved support for text markup annotations in Docotic.Pdf 5.2

News post

Updated on May 16, 2017

We released Docotic.Pdf 5.2 on our site and on NuGet.

In the new version we added ability to create text markup annotations. You can create highlight, jugged underline, strikeout and underline annotations. Take a look at the Text markup annotations sample for more detail. In addition, now it is possible to modify existing text annotations. We added SetTextBounds method and Color and Contents properties to PdfTextMarkupAnnotation class for that.

The new version can import 16 bit TIFF images without any loss. And it can extract 16 bit images from existing documents.

To provide our customers with more diagnostic means, we added PdfDocument.Error event. You can subscribe to the event and receive notifications when the library detects an error in the PDF document structures and/or when the library can’t process the PDF properly for some reason. It’s a good idea to send all documents for which this event occurs to Bit Miracle.

There are other changes. Read about all new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 5.2 in the Version History document.

We encourage you to download and try the new version. This version is also available on NuGet.

Please tell us your thoughts about the new version using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions, suggest features or ask for help.

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