Memory and speed related improvements in Docotic.Pdf 5.4

News post

Updated on November 22, 2017

We have just released new version of Docotic.Pdf library on our site and on NuGet.

Main changes in Docotic.Pdf 5.4 are memory consumption improvements. We also worked very hard to improve the speed of opening existing documents.

In order to achieve the improvements, we had to mark some methods and properties obsolete. No functionality loss happened, since we added alternative methods for everything we marked obsolete. Please review the changes and migrate to the alternative methods. We will remove obsolete methods and properties in the next release of the library.

Briefly speaking, random access to images, widgets, controls, patterns, color profiles, actions, fonts and views on document level should no longer be used. The same is true for images on page level. Instead, please access all these in sequential way using new enumerating methods.

We added ability to remove font duplicates. This should help to compressing PDF documents even better. Please let us know how this new feature works for you.

As usual, text processing become better in the new version. We fixed copying of text with invalid or incomplete encoding information. And you no longer need to use fallback fonts to copy existing text. Take a look at the updated Copy text, paths and images sample code.

As always, we improved support for broken and incorrect documents. And we fixed some bugs of our own.

Read about all new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 5.4 in the Version History document.

We encourage you to download and try the new version. This version is also available on NuGet.

Please tell us your thoughts about the new version using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions, suggest features or ask for help.

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