Drawing and Optimization APIs got better in Docotic.Pdf 8.7

News post

Updated on October 11, 2022

We have released Docotic.Pdf 8.7 on our site and on NuGet. This release can compress PDFs even better than before. And it brings substantial changes to the Drawing API.

In Version 8.7 we added the ability to remove unused glyphs from existing PDF fonts. There is the new PdfDocument.RemoveUnusedFontGlyphs method for this. And the PdfFont.RemoveUnusedGlyphs method now supports existing PDF fonts.

The library also detects and replaces duplicate objects better than in previous versions. We also fixed some issues with removal of unused resources and un-embedding of fonts.

We added the ability to save PDF pages as uncompressed raster bytes in RGB, Gray-scale, and CMYK color spaces with an optional alpha channel. Please try the new ImageCompressionOptions.CreateUncompressed method.

Along with the previous change, we heavily reworked the ImageCompressionOptions class. Now all static methods of this class return instances of derived types instead of ImageCompressionOptions itself. Take a look at the new PngImageCompressionOptions, JpegImageCompressionOptions, TiffImageCompressionOptions, and UncompressedRasterOptions classes. This is a breaking change, so please contact us if you need help to migrate to the new version.

Docotic.Pdf 8.7 contains changes for the PdfSaveOptions class. We added the new RemoveSignaturePermissions option, which is true by default. This option comes in handy when you save documents with forms previously secured by a signature. Please read the remarks section in the documentation for the new property for more detail.

We changed the default value for the PdfSaveOptions.UseObjectStreams property to true. This means that now the library packs objects into compressed object streams by default. This helps to produce smaller output files but will require Adobe Reader 6 released in 2003 or newer to view produced PDF files. You can set this property to false to get the previous default behaviour.

The HTML to PDF add-on now uses Chromium 100.0.4889.0 to render web content to PDF.

Read about all new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 8.7 in the Version History document.

We encourage you to download and try the new version. This version is also available on NuGet.

Please tell us your thoughts about the new version using e-mail or the support form. Don't hesitate to write us your questions, suggest features, or ask for help.

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