AES-256 and speed improvements in Docotic.Pdf 5.6

News post

Updated on August 25, 2018

We have released Docotic.Pdf 5.6 on our site and on NuGet.

The new version adds support for documents encrypted with AES-256. This encryption algorithm is usually found in PDF 2.0 documents. Now Docotic.Pdf can read such documents.

In version 5.6 we also paid a lot of attention to memory and speed improvements. The new version of the library uses less memory when opening documents. It also opens them faster.

The new version brings ability to cache form XObjects. This cache can improve speed of processing. The cache can either increase or decrease memory consumption depending on the contents of the PDF. We suggest you take a look at the PdfCache class and the PdfConfigurationOptions.XObjectCache property. After that you could try and see for yourself if enabling the cache helps in your case. It will be great if you tell us about your experience with the cache.

We made some improvements for documents that use blend modes. Now Docotic.Pdf draws them faster.

There are new properties in PdfEmbeddedFile and PdfFileSpecification classe. These properties were added to help creating Factur-X / ZUGFeRD invoices or similar documents with Docotic.Pdf library.

As always, we improved support for broken and incorrect documents. And we fixed some bugs of our own.

Read about all new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 5.6 in the Version History document.

We encourage you to download and try the new version. This version is also available on NuGet.

Please tell us your thoughts about the new version using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions, suggest features or ask for help.

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