Year 2011 LibTiff.Net notices

Post about a year releases

Updated on December 31, 2011

This page contains all LibTiff.Net release notices for year 2011.

Visit the LibTiff.Net library page for more information and download link. Please write to us if you have questions or find any bugs.

LibTiff.Net 2.3 with new samples

September 21, 2011

We released a new version of LibTiff.Net library. This version features improved support for files produced by legacy TIFF writers. LibTiff.Net 2.3 also contains some bug fixes and 11 new samples.

LibTiff.Net 2.2 with OJPEG support is out

January 9, 2011

We've just released a new version of LibTiff.Net library. This version contains some bug fixes, a new sample and new OJPEG codec (only decompression).

Initially, we were reluctant to add this codec to the library because Old-style JPEG encoding (as defined in the TIFF 6.0 specification) is considered obsolete but it turned out that our users need such codec. Some applications (scanners and faxes, mostly) still produce images encoded with OJPEG encoding. Hopefully, now LibTiff.Net will help more users get their job done.

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