Year 2011 Docotic.Pdf notices

Post about a year releases

Updated on December 31, 2011

This page contains all Docotic.Pdf release notices for year 2011.

Visit the Docotic.Pdf page for more information and download links. The full Version History for 2011 releases is also available.

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Support for XMP Metadata, improved text extraction and other improvements in Docotic.Pdf 3.3

December 27, 2011

I am pleased to announce that we've released a new version of Docotic.Pdf library.

The version 3.3 brings support for XMP Metadata, improved text extraction and other improvements and bug fixes.

Starting from this version, Docotic.Pdf can be used to read and modify documents metadata. You can edit any XMP schema and add new schemas. The library provides a convenient way to access properties of well-known XMP schemas like Dublin Core or XMP Basic. There is also support for setting custom metadata values. Please take a look at the PdfDocument.Metadata property and the XmpMetadata class. Set custom metadata and Set XMP metadata samples can also be useful in getting an idea how to use the new feature.

The new version of the library fixes some bugs related to text extraction and brings new properties and methods that should give you even more control over the text extraction process. Please have a look at the PdfTextData.Size and PdfTextData.Bounds properties and the PdfDocument.GetText and PdfPage.GetText methods.

With help of the latest version of Docotic.Pdf you can easily reorder pages in PDF documents. We added the new PdfDocument.MovePage, PdfDocument.MovePages and PdfDocument.SwapPages methods that can be used to change the order of pages within a document. We think that you might find them useful.

We also fixed some bugs related to the opening of existing PDF documents, linearization and processing of TIFF images.

Improved accuracy and new text extraction mode in Docotic.Pdf 3.1

September 25, 2011

We released a new version of Docotic.Pdf library.

The version 3.1 brings improved accuracy of all calculations, new text extraction mode and support for shared scrips. And, as always, the new version contains fixes for some bugs in the library.

Linearize PDF files, protect PDFs with AES encryption, optimize images in PDFs

July 8, 2011

I am pleased to announce that we've just released a new major version of Docotic.Pdf library.

The Docotic.Pdf 3.0 adds support for advanced password protection. Now you can not only open but also create PDF files encrypted with the AES 128 bit algorithm. And we've also added the PdfDocument.IsPasswordProtected method that is useful if you need to know is a PDF requires a password in order to be opened.

Another major new feature is the ability to linearize PDF files and check if a file is linearized. As you know, linearization (also called Fast Web View optimization) helps to produce PDF files optimized for viewing in a browser. We are sure you'll find this new feature useful.

Starting with Docotic.Pdf 3.0, you can optimize images before adding them to PDFs and even change images in existing PDF files. Please take a look at the RecompressWith* family of methods in the PdfImage class and the new Add single image frame to PDF document sample.

The new version of the library introduces support for Save Options. Using this feature, you can fine-tune how PDF documents will be saved by the library. You can reduce the size of PDF files or, on the contrary, save files in a human readable form (it may be useful for debugging purposes).

There are other improvements and bug fixes, of course.

Extract images from PDF with Docotic.Pdf 2.3

March 31, 2011

We've just released a new version of Docotic.Pdf library.

The version 2.3 adds support for image extraction. Now the library can be used to extract embedded images from PDF documents. Images are extracted without any modifications or recompressions, so you'll get the same data as used in a document.

Another new feature is the ability to extract and copy pages from existing documents. With this feature, it's possible to split a PDF in pages or make a copy of a PDF with only those pages that are needed.

Better PDF form handling with Docotic.Pdf 2.2

February 1, 2011

We are happy to announce the release of a new version of Docotic.Pdf Library.

The version 2.2 adds support for Forms Data Format files (FDF files). Now you can use Docotic.Pdf Library to import a form data from an FDF file or export data from your form into an FDF file for farther processing. Also, the PDF library now creates better looking PDF forms because we fixed some bugs in code related to form creation.

Another improvement we are proud of is speed. We made some optimizations and now the library performs up to 40 percent faster.

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