Table of Contents

Method AddLinkToPage


AddLinkToPage(PdfPoint, PdfSize, int)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

public PdfActionArea AddLinkToPage(PdfPoint position, PdfSize size, int pageIndex)


position PdfPoint

The position of the upper-left corner of the link area.

size PdfSize

The size of the link area.

pageIndex int

Index of the page to be displayed when the link area is activated.



The newly created PdfActionArea object.

AddLinkToPage(PdfPoint, PdfSize, int, double)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

public PdfActionArea AddLinkToPage(PdfPoint position, PdfSize size, int pageIndex, double topOffset)


position PdfPoint

The position of the upper-left corner of the link area.

size PdfSize

The size of the link area.

pageIndex int

Index of the page to be displayed when the link area is activated.

topOffset double

The vertical coordinate of the page that should be positioned at the top edge of the window when the link target page is displayed.



The newly created PdfActionArea object.

AddLinkToPage(PdfPoint, PdfSize, PdfPage)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

public PdfActionArea AddLinkToPage(PdfPoint position, PdfSize size, PdfPage page)


position PdfPoint

The position of the upper-left corner of the link area.

size PdfSize

The size of the link area.

page PdfPage

The page to be displayed when the link area is activated.



The newly created PdfActionArea object.

AddLinkToPage(PdfPoint, PdfSize, PdfPage, double)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

public PdfActionArea AddLinkToPage(PdfPoint position, PdfSize size, PdfPage page, double topOffset)


position PdfPoint

The position of the upper-left corner of the link area.

size PdfSize

The size of the link area.

page PdfPage

The page to be displayed when the link area is activated.

topOffset double

The vertical coordinate of the page that should be positioned at the top edge of the window when the link target page is displayed.



The newly created PdfActionArea object.

AddLinkToPage(PdfRectangle, int)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

public PdfActionArea AddLinkToPage(PdfRectangle boundingBox, int pageIndex)


boundingBox PdfRectangle

The PdfRectangle structure that specifies the location and the size of the link area.

pageIndex int

Index of the page to be displayed when the link area is activated.



The newly created PdfActionArea object.

AddLinkToPage(PdfRectangle, int, double)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

public PdfActionArea AddLinkToPage(PdfRectangle boundingBox, int pageIndex, double topOffset)


boundingBox PdfRectangle

The PdfRectangle structure that specifies the location and the size of the link area.

pageIndex int

Index of the page to be displayed when the link area is activated.

topOffset double

The vertical coordinate of the page that should be positioned at the top edge of the window when the link target page is displayed.



The newly created PdfActionArea object.

AddLinkToPage(PdfRectangle, PdfPage)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

public PdfActionArea AddLinkToPage(PdfRectangle boundingBox, PdfPage page)


boundingBox PdfRectangle

The PdfRectangle structure that specifies the location and the size of the link area.

page PdfPage

The page to be displayed when the link area is activated.



The newly created PdfActionArea object.

AddLinkToPage(PdfRectangle, PdfPage, double)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

public PdfActionArea AddLinkToPage(PdfRectangle boundingBox, PdfPage page, double topOffset)


boundingBox PdfRectangle

The PdfRectangle structure that specifies the location and the size of the link area.

page PdfPage

The page to be displayed when the link area is activated.

topOffset double

The vertical coordinate of the page that should be positioned at the top edge of the window when the link target page is displayed.



The newly created PdfActionArea object.

AddLinkToPage(double, double, double, double, int)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

public PdfActionArea AddLinkToPage(double left, double top, double width, double height, int pageIndex)


left double

The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the link area.

top double

The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the link area.

width double

The width of the link area.

height double

The height of the link area.

pageIndex int

Index of the page to be displayed when the link area is activated.



The newly created PdfActionArea object.

AddLinkToPage(double, double, double, double, int, double)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

public PdfActionArea AddLinkToPage(double left, double top, double width, double height, int pageIndex, double topOffset)


left double

The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the link area.

top double

The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the link area.

width double

The width of the link area.

height double

The height of the link area.

pageIndex int

Index of the page to be displayed when the link area is activated.

topOffset double

The vertical coordinate of the page that should be positioned at the top edge of the window when the link target page is displayed.



The newly created PdfActionArea object.

AddLinkToPage(double, double, double, double, PdfPage)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

public PdfActionArea AddLinkToPage(double left, double top, double width, double height, PdfPage page)


left double

The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the link area.

top double

The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the link area.

width double

The width of the link area.

height double

The height of the link area.

page PdfPage

The page to be displayed when the link area is activated.



The newly created PdfActionArea object.

AddLinkToPage(double, double, double, double, PdfPage, double)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

public PdfActionArea AddLinkToPage(double left, double top, double width, double height, PdfPage page, double topOffset)


left double

The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the link area.

top double

The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the link area.

width double

The width of the link area.

height double

The height of the link area.

page PdfPage

The page to be displayed when the link area is activated.

topOffset double

The vertical coordinate of the page that should be positioned at the top edge of the window when the link target page is displayed.



The newly created PdfActionArea object.