Encryption API changes in Docotic.Pdf 7.5

We have released Docotic.Pdf 7.5 on our site and NuGet.

We made a lot of changes and improvements to the library’s encryption API in this release. And there is one more very important change: the library can now extract right-to-left and bidirectional text in the correct order.

Starting from version 7.5, the library can inspect and decrypt certificate-protected documents. And it is now possible to encrypt any PDF document with one or more certificates.

The new features required us to make a lot of changes to the existing encryption API. We added new classes for different types of encryption and decryption handlers. There is also a new clarified way to check if a PDF document is encrypted. To ease migration from the older API, we added 2021 Encryption API Migration Guide.

We changed text extraction methods in PdfDocument, PdfPage, and PdfCanvas to extract right-to-left and bidirectional text according to the logical order. From now on, these methods also normalize Hebrew and Arabic codepoints from Alphabetic and Arabic Presentation Forms. The text extraction methods now better process column-based and tabular layouts.

In the new version, there are some not so big new features. We added some new sample codes and updated some existing ones. And we fixed quite some bugs.

A lot of properties and methods were marked obsolete in the new version. In all cases, there is a new way to achieve the same.

Read about all new features and improvements in Docotic.Pdf 7.5 in Version History document.

We encourage you to download and try the new version. This version is also available on NuGet.

Please tell us your thoughts about the new version using e-mail or via the support form. Don’t hesitate to write us your questions, suggest features, or ask for help.

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